Can you guys tell that I am excited to go to Paris? LOL
This drawing took a couple of days to do, and it pretty much sums it all up :P
I am so happy to be back on the drawing train again. I am filled with inspiration, that just needs to get out.
I also made a new gamer video about a game called Forsaken world. It is free and very easy to play. I really enjoy playing this game.
I did have some problems uploading this video, cause every time I was close to being finished the whole thing froze :/
But yeah I finally got it up.
It is so nice having a winter break. Finally I can just de-stress before all the madness starts.
Next month I am going on a study trip, and it is also my bf's birthday.
April: I am going to have to take some pre exam tests (so nervous for that), then I am visiting PARIS!
May: I have hardcore studying for the exams
June: The deadly exams - Dun dun duun duuuuun
July: possibly moving to a new city
Phew I am already tired in my head, but I can't wait to experience all the good things there are yet to come
I hope your week is fantastic
Xoxo Mie
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